Divine Encounters
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About Dr. Blinston and her Study of Religious Apparitions

Free! 22-page Report - Apparition Research Results

Ongoing Research of Supernatural and Spiritual Experiences





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   by Dr. Blinston

   In the Spotlight

Have you had direct contact with God?

A new book is in the making titled, The Kindness of God. It is about the experiences of people who have had direct contact with God. It is being written by Paul Robb. He is a semi-retired engineer living in Northern California. He is seeking people who have had the experience of direct contact with God.

Mr. Robb is collecting the stories of people who have had this experience while in a wakened state, semi-wakened state, or while dreaming. Selected stories will be published in his book.

Please check out his website, and pass his information on to others who might be interested.     www.kindnessofgod.com

   Past Spotlight Pages

Glenda Greene, Jesus Appears to Artist who Paints His Portrait

Paul Robb, Kindness of God

Tiffany Snow, Healing Servant

Jane (Blonder) Pasquill, Apparition Liberates the Artist Within


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Understanding Profound Religious and Paranormal Experiences
Private consultations, workshops, and seminars.

The Portal (psychomanteum)
Sessions in The Portal (psychomanteum), seminars, training

Professional Astrological Consultations
Discover your full potential, step into your power


An examination of religious apparitions and other religious phenomena: Apparitions, Healings, and Weeping Madonnas: Christianity and the Paranormal

A scholarly study of religious apparitions, specifically people who experienced a religious apparition of Jesus or Jesus in a religious vision: Visions of Jesus: Direct Encounters from the New Testament to Today