Divine Encounters
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   by Dr. Blinston

   In the Spotlight

Healing Servant

Tiffany Snow experienced several events in her life that she described as "life-defining moments". She stated that the most poignant was in her adult life during a near-death-experience (NDE) when she was struck by lightning.

However, after speaking with her I discovered that she had experienced several "special" events beginning in childhood. Her special quality was apparent at a young age. She spent a lot of time in the outdoors and created strong bonds with animals. She was among the people of the world who were magnets to all sorts of creatures. Her relationship with the animals was one that she describes as "union". As a child she felt protected and watched-over.

Around the age of 10 years she experienced a Divine encounter with who she described as St. Christopher1. She was swimming in the ocean in Mexico. Unaware that a big storm was coming, she continued to swim. Suddenly, she saw a huge wave coming at her. She knew it had the capability of overcoming her and possibly causing her to drown. As the wave began to form its curl she saw the face of a man with long wavy hair within the wave. Then, she received a message to go deeply under the water. Doing so probably saved her life.

She was not raised Catholic and knew nothing about the saints. It was not until after her event that she realized who it was. A Mexican boy met her in the water as she was walking back up onto the shore. He stared at her straight in the eyes as he approached her without saying a word. She described, "Into my palm he placed a medallion of St. Christopher and closed my fingers tightly around it." When she opened her hand and looked at the medallion she saw the picture of the man she had seen in the wave.

Tiffany Snow is a spiritual healer who uses prayer and laying-on of hands techniques as well as distance healing techniques. She emphasizes that we are ALL "hard-wired" with a special gift, and that the healing work she does is part of her special gifts. She emphasises that "the gifts are a place of enlightment and bliss, and peace and joy that we all can experience every day!" Some of us know our gifts right away, however most of us must experience a "life-defining moment" in order to truly understand our gifts and use them. For Tiffany Snow to discover her gifts she had to be struck by lightning. She described how it took that for "the Big Guy" to get her attention. She has joyfully dedicated her life to healing as well as helping others recognize the divine gifts within them.

To learn more about Tiffany Snow and read the account of her near-death-experience, please visit her website at: www.tiffanysnow.com

1Tiffany Snow's Divine encounter will be featured in my book. She has given me permission to use her real name and identity for this article.

   Past Spotlight Pages

Glenda Greene, Jesus Appears to Artist who Paints His Portrait

Paul Robb, Kindness of God

Tiffany Snow, Healing Servant

Jane Blonder, Apparition Liberates the Artist Within



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